Music Schedule

Thursday April 28th
Ladyfest Kick-off Party
A Night of Local Rock!!
The Ravens
The Monster Women
Iron Rain

Rumours Lounge
415 5th St.
Eureka 9pm $3

Friday April 29th
Humboldt Ho-Down!!!
The Whoreshoes (Old-timey, Early Nashville)
Tamaras(Local Funk-Folk)

6 Rivers Brewery
1300 Central Ave.
McKinleyville 8pm $3

Saturday April 30th
All-Girl Electro from L.A.
Addicted 2 Fiction
Demonika & the Darklings

The Alibi
Arcata Plaza 10pm $3

Sunday May 1st
Ladyfest BBQ & Dance Party!!
with local bands/artists
details TBA

The Placebo
Manila 2pm-?